Meet Greg C.
Having graduated from college with a degree in Business Administration Greg C. went to work for a financial services company where he found himself in a role that wasn’t catering to his talents. He was bored and couldn’t wait for the work day to end.
The challenge
Greg had always found accounting of interest and toyed with the idea of getting his CPA, but the hurdle of bedding down the extra college credits to meet the 150 credit requirement to enable him to take the CPA exam seemed very daunting.
While doing his research, Greg came across He enrolled for Electronic Spreadsheet Applications, Corporate Tax and Payroll Accounting which will move him in the right direction to his goal of 150 college credits.
The result
In less than six months Greg will have completed the extra credits he needs, all for less than $5 000 and, once he earns his CPA qualification he will be able to command approximately a $25 000 higher salary per year than he is currently earning.
Is for you?
If, like Greg, you want to:
- Earn the additional college credits to meet you 150 required limit to sit for the CPA
- Get into the workplace as soon as possible so as to pay off your student debt
- Study in your own time
- Take advantage of the most flexible and cost-effective way to get your outstanding credits
then you could achieve your goals, effectively and quickly through!